Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another tube and possibly adenoids out....

Jansen had a doctors appointment yesterday to see if the meds took care of the ear infection 5 weeks ago. Well the meds took care of the redness but he still has fluid on the ear drum. So now we move forward and protect his "good ear". Jansen will be having another tube put in next Thursday, March 19 and possibly have his adenoids out. The Dr. will look at his adenoids while he is under and if they are enlarged they will come out. Chris and I ask the audiologist and the Dr. if the fluid was doing any long term damage to his ear drum and they said NO, but it was hurting his speech development, as he can't hear things clearly at this time. Please keep Jansen in your thoughts and prayers next week as he has this surgery.

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1 comment:

Molly said...

Definitely thinking of you guys. And boy do I know how you feel. PROTECT THAT EAR!!!!! :)