Friday, December 31, 2010

Ziploc Omelet


Have guests write their name on a quart-size Ziploc freezer bag with permanent marker.

  • Crack 2 eggs (large or extra-large) into the bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them.

  • Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham,onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, etc.

  • Each guest adds prepared ingredients of choice to their bag. Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.

  • Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13minutes [we did 15 minutes]. You can usually cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot. For more, make another pot of boiling water.

  • Open the bags and the omelet will roll out easily.

  • Be prepared for everyone to be amazed.

  • Nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake

  • Imagine having these ready the night before, and putting the bag in boiling water while you get ready.

  • And in 15 minutes,you've got a nice omelet for a quick breakfast!!!

These are YUMMY and I wanted to share with everyone..

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Post-op revision #2

The boys playing DS while waiting for Dr. Jones

Jansen sitting in Dr. Jones office...Jansen got to take this netting off and try this new thing we bought....

this is what wrestlers wear to protect their ears. Thanks to my dad for thinking of this. We took it to Dr. Jones today and he loved it.
Jansen's ear looked good today once we took the bandage off. We left the stitches in and the skin graft site covered. We will return next Monday to remove some of the stitches. Please continue to pray that this will ALL heal correctly this time.

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

CHRISTmas day

Here is a sneak peak of our CHRISTmas Day....

Jansen on his new electric scooter

Jordan having a good time on his new scooter

The boys at my grandmothers house

Chris and I at his parents

Chris, Jansen, and I

Jordan got a skateboard and Jansen got a new bike

the boys new bat bags..packed and ready for baseball

The Kentys had a great CHRISTmas and we hope you did too.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve at PawPaw and PatPat

me and my boys
Jansen, Kaylee, and Jordan

Jansen, Kaylee, Jordan, and Jackson

Jansen and his new love...aka bat...

Jordan and his new DSi

We had a great time at my parents Christmas Eve.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

What a long day...

I think yesterday was the longest day of my life...We arrived at the hospital at 12:10 and left at 7:00. Here is a picture of Jansen's ear 6 weeks post-op 1st surgery....2 weeks post-op revision #1. The ear itself looks GREAT and we are pleased. The top area above the ear is where Dr. Jones cut and moved skin over to cover his ear. That area is looking great and has healthy skin. The area of concern is the top of his new ear. The sore you are looking at in this picture is exposed cartilage.

Revision #2...
Dr. Jones took another skin graft from the opposite side of his groin than the last time. Cut a little above his head to place skin in the site, moved skin over and added stitches to the concern area. We ALL pray this works and heals correctly. We will see Dr. Jones Monday to take a look at the ear. We will NOT be removing the stitches. We will go back Monday, January 3, to remove half the stitches (we think) and then we will return to take the others out a few days later. This could all change, but this is the plan for now.

Recovery...He is a trooper...

Recovery this time around wasn't so easy. Jansen got sick several times and even threw up on the way home. The nurses gave him a suppository before we left the hospital.

We stopped for dinner at The Varsity..but Jansen didn't eat. He wanted too, but didn't feel good.

He slept all the way home. Once we got home he felt better and ate his dinner. We all had a good nights rest and are ready for what today brings. Jansen is moving slow this morning, and has cried twice. Not sure what's going on, but tells me he feels fine.
Thanks for all the prayers and please keep them coming. Chris, Jansen, and I need a good report over the next few weeks before we SCREAM!!

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Revision #2

Jansen playing blocks while waiting
Jansen and Jordan

silly Jansen counting to 100

They took Jansen back at about 2:40. Please pray for him and Dr. Jones.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here we go again...

Recap of things going on:
Jansen had surgery on Tuesday, December 7 to close up the exposed cartilage that he had on top of his "new ear." The doctor took a skin graft from his groin area and placed it in the site above his head so that he had skin to move over to fix the exposed cartilage. When I took him to the Dr. for post-op, I had a feeling things just weren't right. The skin graft looks great and is continuing to heal correctly. The ear itself is still looking good, but I wasn't sure that the area that was exposed cartilage was healing correctly. I talked to the doctors office several times and sent several pictures.

So yesterday we made a special visit to see Dr. Jones to ask LOTS of questions and to try and get some answers. Chris and I were right....Jansen has exposed cartilage again. The top of his new ear is just to thin to handle the pressure and heal. We are getting very frustrated with all of this. I feel we got our questions answered and will be moving on.

Jansen will have surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) to close the exposed cartilage. (I hope)
Dr. Jones will be taking another small skin graft from his groin to place in the same site as last time, and then move skin over to make the ear a little thicker. This time around we will be leaving the stitches in a lot longer so the area can heal. Please pray that this works.

Jansen enjoying baseball..He is leading all the big kids in a drill.

Jansen is still being a trooper with all of this. Chris and I not so much. The past week we have let Jansen be a kid. He has been running, playing baseball, and just having a good old time. It's hard to believe that this whole journey started 6 weeks ago. We hate the fact that this will be 3 surgery within 6 weeks for Jansen, but we have to get this done before we can move on to stage 2.

After finishing pre-op at the hospital we enjoyed some family time at Outback Steak House.

Jansen and Chris

Jordan and I

Please keep Jansen and Dr. Jones in your prayers. We need a SUCCESSFUL surgery tomorrow!!!

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Monday, December 20, 2010


The Cardinals have made the move to becoming a travel team and this big guy is loving every minute of it. We love our baseball family!! They have a clinic twice a month that works them to death. I wish I could work like they do. Jordan has also been getting 1-1 hitting lessons, and as most of you know my sweet hubby eat and sleeps baseball, so the boys are at the cages at least 2 times a week. Jordan and the Cards getting a hitting lesson
Jordan having fun at the lesson

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I took Jansen to post-op on Monday and we got to meet The Burrow family. Greyson and Jansen were instant friends. They talked about their ears and everything else little boys want to talk about. Greyson will be having stage 3 surgery Wednesday morning. We are praying for you Greyson.

Post-op this time was a little different for me. I wasn't sure what to expect when the netting came off the head. Jansen had stitches in 2 places. One on the ear where the exposed cartilage was, and some on top of the ear where they lifted his ear off the head. Once I saw the ear, I asked lots of questions, like, Why is that area red?, What is that?, Does this look right?, and many more. Dr. Jones said everything looked fine, we just have to let the healing continue. We will go back again on Monday to make sure everything is healing. I left the office a little nervous and cried on the way home. Once I got home I made 2 phone calls to other mommies that have been through this. I got lots of questions answered and was starting to feel a lot better.
Thanks Christie and Molly for the great talk. Jansen had a very rough night Monday. He didn't sleep well at all. He wanted the head bandage off so that he could scratch, and I don't blame him. I was ready to get it off too. He is being a trooper through all of this. I am getting more comfortable with rewrapping his for the last 2 days I have taken it off and brushed his hair and let him enjoy the fresh air. He is loving it. This morning the ear is starting to look a little better. Chris has been out of town all week and I can't wait for him to look at it tonight to tell me what he thinks. I will try and post more pictures later. Please keep praying that everything will heal and we can move on to stage 2.

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