Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here we go again...

Recap of things going on:
Jansen had surgery on Tuesday, December 7 to close up the exposed cartilage that he had on top of his "new ear." The doctor took a skin graft from his groin area and placed it in the site above his head so that he had skin to move over to fix the exposed cartilage. When I took him to the Dr. for post-op, I had a feeling things just weren't right. The skin graft looks great and is continuing to heal correctly. The ear itself is still looking good, but I wasn't sure that the area that was exposed cartilage was healing correctly. I talked to the doctors office several times and sent several pictures.

So yesterday we made a special visit to see Dr. Jones to ask LOTS of questions and to try and get some answers. Chris and I were right....Jansen has exposed cartilage again. The top of his new ear is just to thin to handle the pressure and heal. We are getting very frustrated with all of this. I feel we got our questions answered and will be moving on.

Jansen will have surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) to close the exposed cartilage. (I hope)
Dr. Jones will be taking another small skin graft from his groin to place in the same site as last time, and then move skin over to make the ear a little thicker. This time around we will be leaving the stitches in a lot longer so the area can heal. Please pray that this works.

Jansen enjoying baseball..He is leading all the big kids in a drill.

Jansen is still being a trooper with all of this. Chris and I not so much. The past week we have let Jansen be a kid. He has been running, playing baseball, and just having a good old time. It's hard to believe that this whole journey started 6 weeks ago. We hate the fact that this will be 3 surgery within 6 weeks for Jansen, but we have to get this done before we can move on to stage 2.

After finishing pre-op at the hospital we enjoyed some family time at Outback Steak House.

Jansen and Chris

Jordan and I

Please keep Jansen and Dr. Jones in your prayers. We need a SUCCESSFUL surgery tomorrow!!!

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courtney said...

Allie, we are praying for a successful surgery for Jansen and by Dr Jones!!

by: Allison said...

Thanks Courtney..

Molly said...

Lifting everyone involved up!!! Hang in there. I can only imagine how frustrating this is.